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The consumption of organic products in Russia is planned to increase more than sixfold

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IX Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Climate, Soil Fertility, Agro-Technologies”

The consumption of organic products in Russia is planned to increase more than sixfold

The Ministry of Agriculture has developed and submitted for public discussion the Strategy for the Development of Organic Production until 2030, which aims for a sharp increase in both the production and consumption of organic products.

According to the document, under the baseline scenario, organic production is expected to increase almost 13-fold, from 9.1 billion rubles in 2021 to 114.5 billion rubles by 2030. In 2021, the per capita consumption of such products amounted to 147 rubles, while by 2030, it is expected to reach 1,040 rubles. The consumption of organic products is planned to grow more than sixfold, from 24.4 billion rubles in 2021 to 149.8 billion rubles in 2030. Exports of organic products are expected to rise 7.5 times, from 3.7 billion rubles in 2021 to 27.8 billion rubles by 2030. To achieve these goals, the area of land using organic farming technologies needs to increase 6.5 times, from 655.5 thousand hectares to 4,292 thousand hectares.

The resource provision for the implementation of these plans will primarily come from producers’ own funds, private investors, and borrowed capital, according to the explanatory note attached to the document.

The implementation of the strategy will increase the consumption of organic products by raising public awareness of healthy eating and organic products and improving access to domestic organic products. The development of organic production will contribute to the preservation of soil health, biodiversity, and a favorable environment. As a result of improved product quality and changes in consumption patterns, Russians are expected to spend less on the treatment of diet-related non-communicable diseases.

These plans are expected to attract additional investments into the sector, amounting to at least 60 billion rubles by 2030. This, in turn, will create positive incentives for the development of remote rural areas, where the population can be engaged in organic production. This will have a positive impact on related sectors, primarily by bringing fallow lands and forest areas into agricultural use, attracting investments in infrastructure, and supporting demand for products from the bioindustry (such as the production of organic fertilizers and plant and animal protection products). It will also promote the development of trade and the out-of-home dining sector.

Source: https://rg.ru/2023/03/28/potreblenie-organicheskih-produktov-v-rossii-planiruiut-uvelichit-bolee-chem-v-shest-raz.html

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